You can change the world by Lucy Bell

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Pantera Press, 2019. ISBN: 9781925700527.
(Age: All) Highly recommended. If your child loves practical information about the world, is concerned about the environment, and also wants to actually do something about it then this book is for you. You can change the world: the kids' guide to a better planet by Lucy Bell is one of the most relevant, interesting and engaging non-fiction books I have come across in a very long time.
After reading the first third of the book I found that a million bottles of water are sold every minute, and then I read about having a plastic-free birthday party. The party ideas were easy to implement and also didn't sound too hard! At this point I decided to hand it over to my 9 year old and see what happened . . . well, now I can't get it back! He was absolutely enthralled by all the interesting information about what is happening to our planet and how we, as humans, are contributing to it. He kept on yelling out 'Mummy, did you know . . . ' and proceeded to tell me about how much plastic there is in the world, how awesome it is that we have a veggie patch and what things we can recycle.
Lucy Bell has really done a wonderful job with this book. Her writing is easy to understand, and gives children the facts without difficult words or reams of text.
The illustrations are simple, but super effective in portraying the idea of each section.
The book also details the lives of young people and children who do amazing things to morale our world a better place. There are environmentalists, poets, teddy bear makers and eco warriors. These stories were so great to read, they are inspiring and I feel would really speak to the readers hopefully encouraging them to do their bit to change the world.
I really believe that every school should have this book, so students can access these easy to understand ideas and teachers can implement the activities provided within their settings.
5 out of 5 from us! We are going to buy this book for lots of our friends this Christmas!
Lauren Fountain