Yoko's diary: the life of a young girl in Hiroshima during WWll

Edited by Paul Ham. HarperCollins, 2013. ISBN 9780733331176.
(Age: 10+) Recommended. 1945 was a hard time to be a child in Japan,
with most children as young as twelve required to work as child
labourers. Most of the big Japanese cities had been heavily bombed,
but little did the people of Hiroshima know that their city had been
set aside as a target for the first atomic bomb ever dropped on
human life. Thirteen-year-old Yoko lived in Japan, not far from the
city of Hiroshima and Yoko's diary is a moving account of
her life in a war zone.
Yoko records the war happening around her, the planes overhead, her
daily errands and the poor conditions. Yoko's diary shows us
the hopes, beliefs and daily life of a young girl in wartime Japan.
Yoko's half-brother, Kohji gathered contributions from old school
friends and relatives and included these in Yoko's diary to provide
some background to Yoko's life and to document the wider effect the
bomb had on surviving families. Kohji inserted pages throughout the
book with personal information, facts and history which helped to
provide information on Japanese life, customs and traditions. Yoko's
diary reveals a girl who is always eager to please and do her
duty. Yoko was a conscientious, caring and kind-hearted little girl,
a model of obedience and selfless duty who was always trying to do
the right thing. 'I must do my best in everything until we win the
war' she writes. I would recommend Yoko's diary for 10+ and
it would be an excellent resource for a 'Children in war' focus.
Michelle Thomson