Yikes, stinkysaurus! By Pamela Butchart and Sam Lloyd

Bloomsbury, 2013. ISBN 9781408837078.
(Age: 3-6) Dinosaurs. Humour. Smells. Baths. Stinkysaurus is the
scariest of all the dinosaurs because he doesn't take a bath and he
scares away everyone with his awful smell. The other dinosaurs can
smell him wherever he goes and he has no friends. When the dinosaurs
decide that enough is enough and give him a bath Stinkysaurus finds
that he now has friends to play with.
Young children will love the rhyme and alliteration in this story
which is a good one to read aloud. The repetition of the words,
'Yikes, stinkysaurus!' provide an opportunity for children to leap
in with a refrain and the potty humour is sure to be a big hit with
the young set. Adult readers can make a plug for the joys of having
a bath, but really the story is just a lot of fun.
Children who are obsessed with dinosaurs will be able to pick out
the different types, even though they are coloured in very bright
blues, oranges and pinks. Beginning readers would also be able to
read along to the rhyme after they had heard the story a couple of
Sure to be a bedtime favourite with children who are obsessed with
dinosaurs, this is a hilarious story that is likely to become a
Pat Pledger