Yesterday you were here by Melissa Little

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Wakefield Press, 2018. ISBN 9781743055205
Highly recommended. Themes: Bereavement, Grief. Loss is never easy and this is a thought provoking book, written in a simple way that makes it easy to read with children to help them understand loss. 
The illustrations in this book are bold and support the narrative. They are done in a way that anyone could see themselves in the story.
There is a page at the end of the story that talks about sharing this book with your child and the importance of talking about feelings and answering their questions, and letting children talk about it in their own time. There are also some pages at the back of the book where children can write or draw some memories of the person lost to help them with the grieving process.
I highly recommend this book to anyone trying to explain loss to their child.
Karen Colliver