Yes! No. (Maybe . . . ) by Liz Pichon

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Tom Gates bk 8. Scholastic, 2015. ISBN: 9781760153663
(Age: 8-12) Highly recommended. Themes: Family Life; Friendships; School life; Humour. This is another wonderful excerpt from the life and drawings of Tom Gates. The comical illustrations partner well with the text to reveal Tom's character and his relationships to all around him. Tom is in year 5 and has to cope with school (not always as well has his teacher would like,) an annoying older sister, friendships, band practice, the 'Fossils' (grandparents) and their peculiarities and Parents! In this episode in Tom's life he needs to participate in school Business Day while dealing with an array of substitute teachers during an outbreak of 'the coughing bug'; help his family de-clutter and get rid of their 'junk' at a Boot Sale; recover a valuable item inadvertently included in the 'junk' and remember to honour his Mother's birthday.
The quirky illustrations and Tom's unique view of life will appeal to all young readers in the 8-12 age bracket. This will be another of Liz Pichon's books that is in high demand in library collections.
Carolyn Hull