Worry Magic by Dawn McNiff

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Hot Key Books, 2015. ISBN 9781471403712
(Age: 10+) Highly recommended. Worry magic tackles the ups and downs of family life in a heart warming and magical way, showing how family issues affect children. Young Courtney worries a lot and it is usually her Gran that helps her through them. Gran is in hospital, money is tight and Courtney's parents are fighting. The stress of it all causes Courtney to faint each time there is arguing but she thinks she is magical. All the problems seem to disappear after she faints and she is sure she can worry her Gran better, worry her friend back to being her friend and worry her parents back to not fighting.
Worry Magic is a lovely story that explores the feelings of children as they get caught up in everyday situations. This is highly recommended for girls aged 10+. They will relate to the worry of losing friends and will empathise with Courtney as she worries about losing her safe family environment. Excerpts of this story would be great for using in the Child Protection Curriculum as children can investigate different feelings and see how she ends up using positive thoughts to make her day better.
Kylie Kempster