World food alphabet by Chris Caldicott

Frances Lincoln Children's Books, 2012. ISBN 978 1 84780 284 2
(Ages: 5+) Highly recommended. Alphabet book. Food. An alphabet book
with a difference, each letter is about a type of food used
somewhere in the world, and shown in different countries. Each type
of food is depicted being grown, harvested, sold at a market, used
in the kitchen or sold in a shop. Each vibrant, colour filled page
is full of life
reflecting the variety of people around the globe. What a wonderful
book to use when discussing food in a primary classroom or looking
at how different people cook, or look at kitchens or markets or
shopping. The list is endless as this enlightening book invites its
readers in to think about other cultures and their use of food, fair
trade and recycling The array of photographs themselves is
breathtaking as they contain complete stories, ones which will
initiate discussion and further research.
Choosing a favourite to discuss is difficult, but amongst the ones I
like more than the others, is 'K is for Kitchens', which shows four
very different kitchens. One is western, and our classes will
recognise this straight away: while the other three are from one
village, inviting students to compare and contrast, pick out
similarities and differences, find out where these kitchens are,
work out how they would go working in one. I can imagine students
drawing up a list of all the things available to use in each
kitchen, and describing how the person would go about preparing a
meal in one. Another page I loved is 'M is or Markets', again having
a number of pictures depicting the range of markets selling food
around the world.
Each of the markets is very different from the other, again inviting
discussion and comparison. Pages on Water, Olives, and Utensils also
caught my eye in this lovely, very useful book.
Fran Knight