World after by Susan Ee

Hodder and Stoughton, 2013. ISBN 9781444778533.
(Age: 15+) Fantasy. Angels. Dystopian fiction. In this sequel to the
bestselling fantasy thriller, Angelfall, Penryn is back with
her mother and sister Paige with other survivors of the angel
apocalypse. Paige is attacked by a group who believe that she is a
monster, and she disappears after a massacre. Penryn follows trying
to find her and her search leads her to the angels' hotel where she
discovers just what they plan for the world. Meanwhile the angel
Raffe, who believes Penryn is dead, continues in his search for his
wings and his place as a leader of the angels.
The first in the series, Angelfall, was self-published by
the author and was a bestselling e-book. The second has less romance
(Raffe and Penryn are separated for a large part of the book) but
there is plenty of action, lots of bloodshed, sibling angst and a
major fight against angels, all of which combined to make this an
escapist read. The characters are rather scary, Penryn's mother is
obsessive and schizophrenic, Paige has razor-like teeth and the
angel Uriel is evil, and it appears as if the local inhabitants are
on the verge of cannibalism. Penryn puts her family before
everything else and this leads her into many dark adventures in her
search for her sister and her attempts to survive in terrible
This books picks up immediately where Angelfall ended, so it
doesn't read as a stand-alone and should be read in sequence. Action
packed and gritty, it will appeal to fans of the angel genre who
will look forward to a third book in the series.
Pat Pledger