Wolfie an unlikely hero by Deborah Abela

Ill. by Connah Brecon. Random House Australia, 2017. ISBN
(Age: 5-8) Recommended. 'I, The Wolf, am sick of being the bad guy.
I'm taking over this book.'
Wolfie is cross, more than a little peeved with the negative
portrayal of wolf's characteristics and actions in fairytales. In Wolfie
An Unlikely Hero, the narrator repeatedly tries to move the
narrative down a familiar path, but Wolfie steps in and strongly
opposes these introductions. He enjoys the build up of
characteristics - he is sleek and strong, perfectly nice, however he
does not sneak up on innocent rabbits and sweet little piglets. He
takes over the storytelling and informs the reader he's really a
hero who rescued his cousin from drowning. This a battle of wits,
the narrator will not stop with the conventional storyline, and once
more the tale shows the wolf sneaking up on the chicken coop ready
for a midnight snack.
Finally the story changes, the perfectly nice, brave wolf races
across the 'rivers of ravenous crocs to rescue the princess held in
a high tower'. Will this be a perfect fairytale ending? Wolfie
pleads to be written as a different character, perhaps a wolf in
shining armour. With a delightful and unsuspected ending, Wolfie is
granted his wish, to be part of a rescue!
Deborah Abela's hilarious story is perfect for sharing at story time
as her style of writing with the back and forth banter between
Wolfie and the narrator is fabulous to read aloud. Connah Brecon's
over-the-top stylised illustrations perfectly show Wolfie's
character, and his sleek physique, turned up nose and matchstick
arms with bulging muscles. His comic fairytale settings are fun to
explore. They show the range of emotions felt by the main character
and his potential victims, and the princess shows her own strength
of character refusing the wolf's help.
Deborah Abela's Wolfie story supports the Year 1 - Year 3 English
Curriculum with its persuasive text, and through investigating the
representation of ideas in picture books.
Rhyllis Bignell