Wolf Boy by Peter Sykes

Harbour Publishing House, 2015. ISBN 9781922134585
(Age: 8+) This slim book is well published, with attractive cover
art and good paper quality throughout. Eleven short chapters
encapsulate the life of Altan, a young Mongolian boy, who finds and
nurtures a wolf cub, largely against his family's wishes as it is
believed that the danger lies with the wolf cub, Suld, attracting
other wolves to the community camp. This little story provides a
valuable insight to the transient lives of the Mongolian people, and
how a wild animal has a life changing effect on a young boy's life.
A few photos scattered throughout the text add authenticity but a
map at the beginning of the book could have been more detailed. The
language is simple and straightforward but, sadly, there are
spelling errors in the book including a mistake on the back
cover. Wolf Boy, however, has its place in the library
collection for developing readers.
Julie Wells