Witch Wars by Sibeal Pounder

Ill. by Laura Ellen Anderson. Bloomsbury, 2015. ISBN 9781408852651
What's not to like about crazy fairies and equally eccentric witches
making silly spells, living in Ritzy City where almost anything is
possible, fashion reigns and wide brimmed black hats are standard
attire. Add to the mix the detailed illustrations which bring Ritzy
City and its well dressed inhabitants to life, readers with a sense
of humour and everyone is a winner.
Tiga Whicabim leads an unhappy life as the ward of the evil Miss
Heks, but is more than surprised to meet Fran the Fabulous Fairy
whilst hiding out in the garden shed. She is even more surprised
when she finds herself below the drains in Ritzy City, Sinkville.
Not only that but she has been entered in the Witch Wars, a
competition to become Top Witch.
Who nominated her and how she will win when she has no idea about
how things work or how to cast spells is Tiga's first question,
however Fran is more concerned with getting the show on the road,
because Witch Wars is a Brollywood TV show broadcast live by fairy
camera operators of dubious quality.
After meeting the other contestants Tiga becomes firm friends with
the kindly Peggy, who like Tiga seems the least likely to win and
Fluffanora who swaps her fabulous dress for Tiga's jeans. There are
riddle clues to decipher which take them all over Sinkville meeting
an amazing variety of eccentric witches and fairies, all the while
trying to beat Felicity Bat who is happy to cheat and sacrifice her
friend Lizzie Beast in her quest to be named Top Witch.
This is a romp through an alternate world where everything from
underwater beauty parlours to shoes that turn into luxury
alternatives to tents is possible. Friendship and helping others
wins out in the end as Peggy is named Top Witch.
This is Sibeal Pounder's debut novel, but I am sure this is not the
last we will see of the Ritzy City crew.
Sue Keane