Witch tricks by Sibeal Pounder

Witch Wars book 6. Bloomsbury Children's Books, 2018. ISBN
(Age: 9+) Witch Tricks follows the concurrent and
intersecting antics of the Witches and Fairies of Sinkville. (Ever
wondered what lies beyond the plughole?) While Fran the Fabulous
Fairy schemes to be the star of a TV wrestling show called 'Fairy
Fightz', Tiga Whicabim and Fluffanora Brew are not having much luck
in joining the exclusive secret society of the Points. The girls in
the Points are trying their hand at a spell to bring the Ritzy Six
back to Pearl Mountain so they can be taught how to wreak havoc by
the best in the business. Meanwhile, we are left wondering why
Felicity Bat is laying low and talking to her boots, which are
suddenly very heavy.
The Points are surprisingly successful at conjuring forth the Ritzy
Six who dash off to Pearl Mountain before the reader can blink. If
you don't know where that is, check the illustrator's map. Tiga and
Fluffanora, aided by Peggy Pigwiggle, must somehow beat the both
Ritzy Six and the Points to the top of Pearl mountain to keep
Sinkville on an even keel. The journey to the mountain top is
eventful and takes up a lot of the story. While Fran is
incapacitated, Patricia the TV show Producer, has to be very
inventive to save the next episode of 'Fairy Fightz'. Pounder
manages to keep her reader's in the loop by visiting the set of
'Fairy Fightz' and writing articles for the Ritzy City Post, when
she is not checking in on Felicity and her heavy boots (complete
with a shrunken Panda) at Linden House.
Chatty like all their adventures, you'll have to listen carefully to
know how the witches and fairies deal with the infamous Ritzy Six.
One high point is Aggie Hoof's joke about what Felicity should name
her Panda. Illustrations by Laura Ellen Anderson help new readers to
place the numerous characters - be they witches or fairies. The book
finishes with sample chapters from Pounder's latest Bad Mermaids
series and a letter about her childhood writing inspirations to
likewise inspire young writers. Witch Tricks is definitely a
spin-out if you are a pre-teen who likes erratic, plot driven
Deborah Robins