Winger by Andrew Smith

Simon & Schuster, 2013. ISBN: 9781442444928.
Winger is the most honest and raw book I have read in a while. Set
in an elite boarding school, the novel takes the reader inside the
mind of a teenage boy, (which is undoubtedly a scary place to be,)
but does so with an honesty and vulnerability that is absolutely
Ryan Dean West is intelligent, young for his grade, part of the
rugby team, and stuck in 'Opportunity Hall,' the residence of boys
who are being punished for various school misdemeanours. He's also
in love with his best friend Annie.
Winger is written as a running commentary of Ryan Dean's life; his
thoughts, his insecurities, his fantasies and his battle to find his
identity, manhood and self-respect in the chaotic and tumultuous
time that is adolescence and high school.
The novel is written in very colloquial style, with copious run-on
sentences, intermittent drawings and cartoons and language that
makes us privy to Ryan Dean's innermost thoughts. It's an easy read,
without being simplistic. As a character Ryan Dean (Winger) West is
multi-faceted, honest and very well constructed. It is unlikely that
there would be any young man who could not find some common ground
with him.
Chapters are short, but powerful. I found the first quarter a bit
slow, but it soon picked up pace, and by the end I couldn't put it
down. The novel deals with love, identity, bullying, sexuality and
relationships, and works to expose the honest truth that even the
toughest and most popular people have their inner insecurities.
The plot is engaging and often surprising, and puts the reader
through a full range of emotions from laughter, to grief,
understanding to disbelief.
While I was disappointed with the frequency of coarse language and
sexual/fantasy references, this may well be the type of book that
could change a young man's life, offering him hope, guidance and the
sense that he is not alone in his struggles. I would recommend this,
in particular, for boys who are struggling with various aspects of
life and also those who are struggling to engage with other novels.
Sarah Rose
Editor's note: Winger was on Publisher Weekly Best Books 2013 and YALSA Top Ten
Best Fiction for Young Adults 2014