Windwitch by Susan Dennard

The Witchlands book 2. Pan Macmillan, 2016. ISBN
(Age: 15+) Highly recommended. Fantasy. Windwitch continues
the story this time giving more detail about Prince Merik, who is a
Windwitch convinced that his sister is not looking after their
kingdom. After his ship is blown up and he just escapes with very
bad burns, he is ever more certain of her treason and travels to the
capital determined to fight for the weak. Meanwhile, Safi has just
managed to escape with her life with the Empress of Marstok when
they are shipwrecked and Iseult begins the long journey trying to
find her. She is able to broker a deal with the Bloodwitch Aeduan
and together they follow her trail.
There are many twists and turns in this story, which was not as easy
to read as Truthwitch, as it swings from one main character
to another in differing chapters. However the reader gets to know
the personalities, strengths and weaknesses of the four witches and
the geography of the world that they are fighting for. The complex
political and power struggles begin to make sense, although Dennard
gives a few tantalising glimpses of new characters who are sure to
be important.
There are many dangers to face and all four meet them bravely. The
reader gets caught up with needing to see Safi and Iseult reunited
and to learn how Prince Merik comes to term with the reality of his
relations with his sister.
This is engrossing and complex fantasy writing and I can't wait for
the next in the series.
There is a site for the
Pat Pledger