Wimmera by Mark Brandi

Hachette, 2017. ISBN 9780733638459
(Age: 16+) Recommended. The prologue to this story starts the
mystery off - two young boys, after idling away time yabbying
unsuccessfully in a country dam, explore into the bush further, and
make an intriguing discovery. The story then moves to some years
earlier and it is a different set of boys passing their summer
holidays together - Ben and Fab are good mates, they enjoy each
other's company, and the banter between them is easy and natural.
But Fab doesn't have an easy life, he is picked on by the bullies at
school taunting him for being a wog, and at home things are even
worse when his father loses his temper and starts beating him up.
Ben tries to protect Fab, standing beside him when he needs help in
the schoolyard and even trying to take the blame for a cricket
accident to deflect the wrath from Fab's father. The friendship and
trust between them is real, the conversations are natural, and they
fit easily together.
It sounds like one of many engaging stories of adolescent boys
growing up in the Australian country. However this story goes to a
darker place very quickly. There is a shocking young suicide next
door, a sign that all is not as it seems. And when the grieving
family moves out of that house, the new resident with the smart car
becomes an object of curiosity for the boys - who is he? Is he a
secret agent? The new neighbour, Ronnie, a tall muscular man, seems
to take an interest in Ben, offering him the opportunity to make
some money with odd jobs. He is friendly, he offers to help Ben,
shares secrets with him, and builds up a gradual intimacy. But it is
not the friendship of mates like Fab, it feels strange and Ben
doesn't know how to handle it.
The way that Ronnie charms Ben's parents and gains their trust, and
the description of the gradual grooming of Ben, provide insight into
how a paedophile might work, revealing the very real quandary that a
young unsuspecting teenager might find themselves in. What can Ben
do about it, what will happen next? Can Fab help?
This book carried me along very quickly and I read it in almost one
sitting captured by the tension of wanting to know how the boys
handle the menace and what happens next. It is a dark story, but
there are no ugly graphic details, the danger is merely suggested.
We don't have to know the details to solve the mystery. The
denouement makes sense; the descriptions of the relationships have
an authenticity that makes one feel that if it is not a true story,
it is coloured by real events, and is worth reading to gain an
insight to how such things might happen. It left me pondering things
afterwards - questions such as what makes a friendship, what is the
dividing line between genuine closeness and closeness that is
manipulative and exploitative? How do you know when to trust and
when not to? Maybe it is just luck, and we could all use Fab's lucky
rabbit's foot.
This won the 2016 UK Crime Writers' Association Debut Dagger.
Helen Eddy
Editor's note: This is also available as an audiobook through
Audible and iTunes.