Wilderness fairies series by Jodie Wells-Slowgrove

Penguin, 2014.
Daisy's Quest. ISBN 9780143307464.
Daisy's New Wings. ISBN 9780143307471.
(Age: K-3)
Across a meandering river
In a forest tall and green
Live the magical Wilderness Fairies
And their wise Fairy Queen.
Guided by their Callings
The Wilderness Fairies strive
To use their magic wisely
And help the forest thrive.
But one impatient fairy
Has lessons yet to learn
Her Calling to discover
And fairy wings to earn.
And so begins the saga of Daisy, the star of this new
Australian-based fairy series written by teacher librarian Jodie
Wells and illustrated by Kerry Millard. In Daisy's Quest she
is anxious to earn her fairy wings, something granted only be the
Fairy Queen. Although she has her magic wand, presented to her on
her fifth birthday, having wings would make such a difference and
she is anxious to begin the quest that will earn them. Daisy is
delighted that her time has come and, accompanied by her best friend
Vu, a very rare chrysomelid beetle only 5mm long who exists on
hackberry leaves, she embarks on a series of tasks encapsulated in
cryptic clues and which test her life and limb. And if she is to
earn her wings she must reach the Fairy Queen by moonrise, which it
seems she will do until not only she meets Holly but also runs out
of magic . . . Daisy's New Wings follows her adventures as
she learns how to fly but she is very impatient.
The stories are filled with beautiful descriptions that bring the
fairyland of the imagination to life, but its Australian bush
setting gives it a resonance that really appeal, particularly to
Miss 7 who walks through a real fairy garden in that sort of setting
every time she goes to her cubby house. Drawing on the recognisable
native flora and fauna, which are then explained in detail at the
end of each story, really help the young reader believe that there
really is a miniature magical world that exists away from the clumsy
feet and loud noise of humans. Riches for the imagination, indeed!
(And even more reason for Grandma to keep finding fairies and other
little creatures to pop into the hidey-holes of the trees and hang
from branches and prop against the hollow logs.)
Written with a light hand, these stories have an undercurrent of
being persistent, responsible, resilient, patient, co-operative -
all those traits that their target audience are starting to develop
as they become more independent. There are at least two more in this
series to come - Daisy's Secret and Daisy takes Charge
and Miss 7 is eagerly awaiting them . . . in the meantime, when
she's not out looking for Daisy, Vu, Maggie, Pea and Nellie, she
will have to be content with the website learning
about the forest dwellers, colouring in the pictures by Kerry
Millard and creating one of her own to send in to share.
Barbara Braxton