Wild Stories by Colin Thompson

Random House, 2010. ISBN: 9781864718263.
Highly recommended for ages 8 and up. In this delightful collection of
short stories, set in the garden of a house called fourteen, Colin
Thompson gives a wonderfully descriptive, humorous and touching insight
into the true meaning of the term 'biodiversity' as it relates to a
suburban back yard. From mosquitoes, slugs, cockroaches, spiders,
millipedes, maggots and caterpillars to dogs, cats, rabbits, hedgehogs,
rats, bats, chickens and budgerigars each snippet reflects on life from
the perspective of that particular creature. With this one particular
garden as the focus, the author gives each of the different creatures
which live there a chapter of the story as he describes their life and
purpose. Although several come to unfortunate ends as a result, some of
the animals and mini-beasts decide to rebel against expectations of
their families, others follow the paths set by their parents and
Having previously only read and been entranced by Thompson's picture
books, this collection proved that whatever he writes is worthy of
reading. Over the space of a page, in the case of a poem, to stories
told within anything from three to ten pages Colin Thompson can make
the reader consider the human condition and the impact we have on the
environment. In reading the different sections about Ethel Doris the
Chicken, we are lead to consider the meaning of life! Being released
during the Year of Biodiversity, any of these tales could be used by
teachers with their classes to consider habitats and how different
species can co-exist within one small area.
Definitely a highly recommended title.
Jo Schenkel