Wild, fearless chests by Mandy Beaumont

Hachette, 2020. ISBN: 9780733643033. 224pp.
(Age: Adult - Older adolescent) Mandy Beaumont has created a most
powerful and disturbing collection of stories about women. The
treatment, in both sexual and physical abuse, the repression, hurt,
and nastiness inflicted on women is vividly described. Often
horrendous in its impact on the characters, and literally creating a
response that is challenging, it would be impossible to read this
collection and to go on with everyday life without wanting to change
a society that is seriously almost beyond bearing.
Stories of abuse can evoke memories for so many women, whether it be
physical, verbal, sexual or a combination of abuses. In these
stories there is no choice for a reader to disregard what is
happening, with the suggestion of such powerful evidence. The
writer's intention is clearly that we must hear and understand what
is happening to women, so often, in this world in which we live.
This is a small but monumental book with a distinct and very
powerful call to action by both women and men, to no longer hide
what is happening today, and what has happened to so many women in
the past. It is clear that we are called to support Mandy Beaumont's
call to action, to speak out loud, to bring this issue to the world,
to no longer hide it or to be given a panacea of family care and
medication that recognises only the issue or the offence but does
little to re-create a life that has so often been violated in the
Not suitable for young readers, I would suggest, because of the
awful, and very disturbing emotional nature of some of the offences
and the terrible repercussions on the women. This is certainly a
suggested read for adults and older adolescents, both male and
female. Beaumont makes it clear that what has gone on for
centuries, extraordinarily still continues to happen in this
supposedly informed, caring modern world. She is making it clear
that the issue of abuse of women is so vital, it should be spoken
of, loudly and truthfully, if we are to care lovingly and decently
for the young women growing up in our society.
Elizabeth Bondar