Wild awake by Hilary T. Smith

Hardie Grant Egmont, 2013. ISBN 9781742977706.
(Age: 16+) Recommended for an older audience as it contains material
including drugs and sexual content. While her parents are away on a
cruise, 17 year old Kiri receives a strange phone call and discovers
that her sister didn't die in a car accident, but had been murdered.
Going to meet Doug, the man who had phoned, Kiri begins to uncover
the mystery surrounding Sukey, the sister that her parents had
kicked out of home. Her carefully regulated life begins to break
down as she discovers the lies that her parents had told her and has
to rethink her memories of her sister. Then she meets Skunk, a
large, tattooed boy who repairs her bike and who is strange.
The reader is taken on a roller coaster ride with Kiri as she speeds
on her bike, sometimes high on drugs, through the neighbourhood where
her sister had last lived. From the obsessive teen, who has a
practice timetable taped on the lid of her piano, organising for the
International Young Pianist's Showcase, and who plays in Sonic Youth
for the Battle of the Bands, we watch her exhilarating spiral down
into what Lukas' social worker mother calls monomania. There are
thrilling bike rides in the middle of the night, drug taking, music
of both the classical and popular and discussions of life - 'The way
cannot be cut, knotted, dimmed or stilled' - Skunk's and her
favourite line from the Tao. Kiri's life is a mess and so is
Skunk's, but together they move forward.
More serious issues of mental health, paranoia and murder are also
themes, with questions of what is normality an undertone to the
book. It is beautifully written with many striking images and
dialogue. It is sure to appeal to reluctant readers and will
engender much discussion around drug taking and honesty between
family members.
Pat Pledger