Wicked warriors and evil emperors by Alison Lloyd

Ill. by Terry Denton. Puffin Books, 2010. ISBN 978 0 14 330434 0.
(Ages 10+) Warmly recommended. Humour. History. The inventive
of Terry Denton litter each page and tell
the story of the fight for Ancient China, between an array of
emperors and warriors each intent on building his strength and
defeating all comers in the bloodiest of ways. For readers,
especially boys this is an instant winner, as weapons abound, armour
is put on, heads chopped off, and rightful places achieved. From the
first emperor, a young boy of 12, who had an impressive Prime
Minister, Lord Shang, to the last emperor, the Qin province remained
in power. This province took control after the period of the
warring states and kept it for many years, before the Han
Dynasty took over in 202 BC.
Lloyd gives some very funny and bloodthirsty stories in this potted
history of China, and with Denton's drawings adding to the humour
kids will
read the book form beginning to end. Pages are interspersed with
information about the weaponry used by the armies, other pages give
easily absorbed outline maps and drawings of the soldiers, while
chapters are divided up with lists and columns containing
given in an interestingly diverse way. All designed to hook the
reader, the whole achieves this with ease. Some of the stories
have kids recalling and repeating them to their friends, while I am
sure this book will be passed around the classroom for others to
A quiz on the last few pages will ensure the fun is continued, and a
time line and list of the powerful ends this most entertaining book.
Fran Knight