Why the animals came to town by Michael Foreman

Walker, 2010. ISBN 9781406318012.
(Ages 5+) Recommended. Once again Michael Foreman comes up with a
thought provoking picture book with a theme for all ages. One night a
boy is woken up by the strangest sound: the tramp of animals' marching
feet coming down his street. There are polar bears and reindeer from
the north; grizzly bears and moose and caribou from the west; penguins
and kangaroos from the south and pandas from the east; animals from all
over the world. As the animals dance and prance they sing a song
warning that the earth is in danger and that it is time that something
was done.
The illustrations are fascinating. The pictures of the animals stand
out against a deep blue background colour for the night. Children will
be captivated by the unique expressions on each of the animals and
their babies and the myriad of dancing, prancing animals.
Beautiful language using rhyme and alliteration make this a wonderful
book to read aloud. Even though there is a strong message of looking
after the earth to keep the animals safe, the rhythm and pictures are
so compelling that the story didn't feel didactic to me. However, by
the time the story is over, I believe children will feel that they
should be doing something for the environment and will spread the word
as Foreman suggests.
Pat Pledger