Who wants to be a poodle - I don't by Lauren Child

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Puffin, 2009. ISBN 978014138490.
(Ages 4-8) Recommended. Trixie Twinkle Toes lives in the lap of luxury with a maid, a cook and a butler to cater to her every need but she is unhappy. Although she is adored by her owner, Verity Brulee, she would really love to leave all the pampering behind and just step in puddles.
Lauren Child has written a gentle satire about the fashion of dressing dogs up in clothes, and taking them to beauty parlours, when really all they want to do is to act like a real dog. Information on the back cover tells the reader that 'poodles were originally trained to hunt waterbirds' and Trixie Twinkle Toes certainly proves that she is a 'dazzlingly dangerous daring dog' when she rescues little Gripper from certain death in a puddle.
Appealing collages tickle the funny bone as the exploits of Verity Brulee and Trixie Twinkle Toes are brought to life by Child's expert mix of illustrations and cut-outs. The vibrant colours of Verity's elegant clothes and shoes will appeal to those interested in fashion, while dog lovers will rejoice to see that Trixie Twinkle Toes finally manages to act like a dog.
Pat Pledger