Whizz's Internet oopsie by Sally Sutton

Ill. by Kirsten Richards. Miniwings series. Scholastic,
2017. ISBN 9781775434245
(Age: 6-8) Themes: Horses, Sisters, Internet, Problem Solving. Young
Sophia and her sister Clara receive a special magical gift from
their Nana, six colourful, little winged horses. At first, the girls
think they are just cute plastic toys; however, they are naughty,
talking flying creatures who love to cause trouble! Sophia's
introductory letter to the readers and the gorgeous colourful
paintings and description of these cute creatures begin this easy to
read young novel.
When Clara and Sophie express their desire to shop online, their
mother quickly responds with a firm response, 'dream on,' she says!
However, while the young girls prepare for the new school term, the
Miniwings take matters into their own hooves! Oceania suggests she
will splash in the bathtub and Moonlight wants to make a 'scrumbly'
chocolate cake when the sisters go to school. Clara and Sophie's
decision to leave their computer on for the Miniwings' entertainment
leads to interesting consequences. Parcels and packages begin to
arrive at the house, first there's a foot spa, ordered by
water-loving Oceania. The next surprise to arrive is a cordless
drill perfect for Comet to decorate the bedroom walls with stars and
a moon. Claire and Sophia come up with some very creative responses
to their parent's questions.
The nanny goat's disastrous visit to school where she poops, eats
the class rules and butts holes in the wall is comical. Luckily, for
the girls their quick-thinking Nana arrives to help with their
Kirsten Richards' whimsical creatures, fun cartoon characters,
quirky pastel paint and ink drawings fly, swirl and frame Sally
Sutton's entertaining story told from Sophie's point of view. Whizz's
Internet Oopsie is a fun and fanciful story, just right for
young girls who love horses.
Rhyllis Bignell