When you were mine by Rebecca Serle

Simon and Schuster, London, 2012. ISBN 9780857075161.
This book is meant to refocus our perception of the love story of Romeo
and Juliet: as the cover suggests, what if the greatest love story
told was the wrong one? However, the story itself doesn't quite live up
to the expectations of the blurb.
It is certainly a clever idea to focus the story on Rosaline, the girl
Romeo claims to adore at the beginning of Shakespeare's play, the girl
he forgets immediately he meets Juliet. Serle has also kept the
structure of a play: with Acts and Scenes and even a Prologue and
Epilogue. However, due to the relocation of the action to a Californian
high school, Serle's story feels more like a west coast Gossip Girl,
with the kind of heartbreak wrought from bitchy behaviour - not from
everlasting love.
The reason Romeo and Juliet is considered to be such a great love story
is the tragic irony of their situation; the fact that these young
lovers are kept asunder by a family feud. But this dramatic tension is
missing from the novel; there is indeed a family feud but it is between
Rosaline's dad and Juliet's father, so does not immediately impinge on
the young lovers. Rob (Serle's Romeo) doesn't even know about his
family's link to the feud till very late in the story.
Serle's Juliet is manipulative and deliberately cruel, seeking revenge
on Rosaline for the sins of the fathers. In her effort to make
Rosaline's story seem more powerful, Serle has simply weakened the
original sense of passionate love between Romeo and Juliet and thus
weakened her own endeavours. Rosaline's story, as told by Rebecca
Serle, is nothing more than jilted first love and falling for the wrong
guy. So instead of vying for the role of 'the greatest love
story' - it is really nothing more than Mills and Boon on campus!
Readers who simply want a love story with plenty of heartbreak and a
happy ending will be satisfied with this novel. But those who want to
view the Shakespearean tragedy with fresh eyes are likely to be
Deborah Marshall