When we go camping by Sally Sutton

Ill. by Cat Chapman. Walker Books, 2016. ISBN 9781921977787
(Age: 5-7) Recommended. Camping. Holidays. Everyone who has ever
been camping will relate to this amusing and informative picture
book that shows a family on holiday. The whole family, including
grandparents and pets, set out on a camping holiday. All the trials
and tribulations of setting up a campsite are shown in humorous
detail. The family members have to put up the tents, and try to
avoid tripping on the guy ropes; they place their sleeping bags
inside the tent on the floor and lay down to rest. When all is
organised off the children go to have lots of fun at the campsite,
swimming, playing with other kids and boiling a billy. They even
have to face the long-drop toilet that stinks!
Each double page spread has three lines of verse, with rhyming words
and lots of repetition and then a version of the phrase 'smacketty
tappetty bopp-io' to suit the picture. Children will have lots of
fun trying to guess the words in each of the phrases. The rhymes and
onomatopoeia make it ideal to read aloud and independent readers
will have a ball finding things to look at on the pages.
The narrative is accompanied by charming pictures by Cat Chapman
that not only complement the text but add to it. The grandparents
are seen sitting under an umbrella, a little dog appears on most
pages and has lots of fun with the children and the bush and beach
background is beautifully illustrated in soft pastel colours.
Sally Sutton has written other excellent books, including Roadworks
and Farmer
John's tractor and this lives up to the high expectations that
I had of this author.
Pat Pledger