When Tom met Tallulah by Rosie Reeve

Bloomsbury Children's, 2013. ISBN: 9781408836996.
Highly recommended picture book for 3-6 years of age. Themes: Pets,
Problem-solving. Tom is an extremely shy tabby kitten given as a
present to young Tallulah. This little girl is a problem solver. She
understands the needs of the small kitten and is patient with him.
From the cat-nap map to creating a special toy for the kitten
Tallulah shows just how well she understands the kitten's wants,
from a simple purr or a miaow. Unfortunately Tom decides he's not
content with the cosiness of their relationship. He wants to
understand what being a human is like! The fun begins when he
brushes his teeth and whiskers, dresses up just like Tallulah and
makes her a special toy. The role reversal adds to the humour of
this picture book, Tallulah's life as a cat encounters some
problems, including being stuck in the cat flap and catnapping in
the wrong places. Tom develops patience as he waits for the little
girl to develop the traits of a cat. As a read-aloud story the
ending is a wonderful surprise, great for predictive discussions.
Rosie Reeve is a
well-known English picture book illustrator. This new book
successfully combines her skills as an author and illustrator. From
soft pastel double page spreads to small character sketches, the
reader develops an understanding of the kitten and the girl's
emotions. The cosy relationship between the two characters is
developed both by the short descriptive sentences and the
Rhyllis Bignell