When the mountains roared by Jess Butterworth

Hachette, 2018. ISBN 9781510102118
(Ages 9-12) Highly recommended. Themes: Grief. Fear. Wildlife
conservation. India - Family life.
Jess Butterworth drew inspiration for When the mountains roared
from her own family stories, her grandparents' travels to India in
the 1960s and her own childhood experiences living with them at the
foot of the Himalayas. She descriptively captures the sensory
experiences, the diverse sights and sounds, cityscapes and
countryside and wildlife encounters. Her understandings of the
Indian way of life resonate here. The imprint of the leopard, from
the roaring white silhouette and the rich yellow and brown markings
of the covers that continue as bold chapter headings, set the scene
for her message of wildlife conservation.
Coping with the death of her mother, Ruby is overcome by her fears,
afraid of the dark, of travelling by car, going to sleep and not
waking up in the morning. She lives with her father and grandmother
in Western Australia in a rural hotel which has fallen into
disrepair and her father has borrowed money from loan sharks to save
the property. Desperate to escape from their problems they abandon
their home, take only a few possessions, their collie dog Polly, and
drive through the night to Perth. Along the way they collect a baby
joey which Nan hides in her luggage.
Nan's afraid of flying so they board a cruise ship bound for India.
Their tiring journey finally brings them to the bottom of the
Himachal Pradesh and a haunted mountain. Life for the family is
confronting, their new hotel needs a large amount of work, with the
owners involved in wildlife poaching. Ruby captures photos of the
beautiful world around the hotel; she is an observer, listening to
secret conversations and trailing her father's employers. There are
moments of fun and laughter, the colourful Holi festival, caring for
Joey, watching Bollywood films, making friends with Praveen and
dancing to Bollywood music with Dad and Nan.
Ruby's bravery in tracking the poachers, searching for the elusive
leopard, attests to her strength of character, overcoming her fears
and grief. With her Grandma and loyal friend Praveen they embark on
a treacherous journey into the mountains, each show courage in the
face of danger. The resolution brings both closure and hope for the
future, the author concluding with a heartfelt message about the
need to conserve and protect native wildlife and the risk of
invasive species taking over the natural environment.
When the mountains roared is a beautifully crafted story,
where each of the main characters comes to terms with the loss of a
loved one, and is an emotive journey amongst the beauty and
splendour of the Himalayan foothills. Share this with a middle
primary class, explore the detailed and descriptive narrative, the
insightful poignant journey Ruby undertakes, then research the
endangered wildlife and the impact of the poaching trade.
Rhyllis Bignell