What's your favourite colour? by Eric Carle

Walker Books, 2017. ISBN 9781406356526
(Age: 5-Adult) Highly recommended. Themes: Colour. Children's book
illustrators. In this beautiful book 15 outstanding illustrators
have chosen to let the reader know what their favourite colour is
and have drawn a picture to illustrate this, telling why they have
chosen that colour and why they love it. The contributors include:
Eric Carle, Lauren Castillo, Bryan Collier, Mike Curato, Etienne
Delessert, Anna Dewdney, Rafael Lopez, William Low, Marc Martin,
Jill McElmurry, Yuyi Morales, Frann Preston-Gannon, Uri Shulevitz,
Philip C. Stead, and Melissa Sweet and readers will be fascinated by
the colours chosen and the wonderful illustrations that accompany
them. Each artist has a double page spread with a usually short
piece about the colour and then a gorgeous drawing in that colour.
I was particularly taken with the two illustrators who chose grey as
their colour as I had not personally considered it as a favourite.
Melissa Sweet wrote a haiku for grey:
Foggy morning grey
Makes other colours glimmer.
Even the gull's beak
And then gives a list of different greys and an illustration of
Maine, its boats and water. In comparison the grey chosen by Rafael
Lopez "dares to be different" and knows how to make the other
colours sparkle and a cheeky grey octopus proves this in the
illustration. Marc Martin chose crimson red because "it is the
colour of the crimson rosella" and vibrant rosellas fly across his
double page spread. Other pages are equally as interesting.
This book will inspire readers to consider their own favourite
colours and why they have chosen them. In the classroom children
could do their own drawing and writing and all readers will be
inspired to find books by these wonderful artists to see more of
their art work. There is short biographical information about them
at the back of the book with a photo of each artist as a child and
this is fascinating as well.
Pat Pledger