What's where on Earth? Atlas ed. by Chris Hawkes

DK London, 2017. ISBN 9780241228371
This is an ideal reference tool for young readers who want to see
the world at a glance, rather than having to click through screens
that can become confusing and lost. Clearly divided into 10
sections - each continent, Early Earth, Polar Regions, The Oceans
and Reference - it brings the planet's geography alive with 3D maps,
lots of pertinent facts and illustrations about the landscape,
population, landmarks, climate and wildlife. Each section also
takes a particular focal point and expands on it - South America is
the Amazon Basin; Australia and Oceania is New Zealand - providing a
ready reference tool that kept both Miss Nearly 11 and Miss 6 poring
over its pages on a recent wet afternoon.
Globes and maps have a fascination for children - they love to
discover where they came from, where their family and friends might
be and also the settings of their favourite stories so to have a
book that provides not just maps but so much more is a treat.
While many school libraries are doing away with their reference
collections, having a beautiful volume like this on permanent
display so students can flick through it at their leisure will not
only grab their attention but may have them demanding more
information about a particular region.
Miss Nearly 11 was particularly fascinated by the Early Earth
section as she knows Australia is ancient and we regularly drive
through an area littered with huge granite boulders, the remnants of
long ago mountains now weathered away. Miss 6 liked Australia
but also New Zealand where she had a holiday in 2015!
Definitely something for everyone which would be a superb addition
to the collection that students will keep returning to.
Barbara Braxton