What do they do with all the poo from all the animals at the zoo? by Anh Do and Simon Mellor

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Ill by Laura Wood. Scholastic, 2016. ISBN 9781760276324
(Age: 4+) Recommended. Verse. Singing. Poo. Zoos. A rollicking verse tale questions what is done with all the poo at the zoo. As the pages are turned, different scenarios for all that muck are given. One is that it is taken away and made into chocolate ice cream or children's breakfast cereal. I can imagine lots of children calling out with a disgusted response to each suggestion. Turning the page reveals other results, pizza topping or children's lollies. Each page is designed for younger readers to predict what may follow then shriek with horror at the suggestion given. Anh Do has certainly touched a cord which younger readers will delight in, being at once disgusted and appalled, but laughing uproariously and joining in with the joke.
A CD in the front cover has Simon's rendition of the song, enabling the audience to sing along in loud laughing guffaws. The response will be infectious and even the older members of the class will join in. The simple block colour illustrations will entreat the readers further as they watch the hapless keeper with shovel and wheelbarrow, brush and dustpan or front end loader and truck, try her hardest to keep abreast of the task. A laugh out loud story, as befitting anything from the pen of Ahn Do, this book will be one of those that needs tying down in the library.
Fran Knight