Whale in the bath by Kylie Westaway

Ill. by Tom Jellett. Allen & Unwin, 2014. ISBN 9781743318584.
(Age: 4+) Recommended. Picture book, Bath time, Whales, Humour. Sent
upstairs to have a bath, Bruno finds a whale has taken it over,
using his bubble bath and Dad's back scrubber. He loves the warm
bath water and all he needs to make things perfect is some krill.
But when Bruno goes to tell his sister and mother about why he
cannot have a bath, they do not believe him.
He goes back upstairs to tackle the animal, but each time he is
defeated by his logic and cunning. Eventually Bruno has a shower,
and readers will laugh out loud at the turn of events, as the house
does not have a shower in it. All the while, Jellett's hilarious
illustrations underscore the story, adding another level of humour
to a funny tale. His illustrations can also be seen in recent
publications, Santa's secret, and The gobbledydook is
eating a book.
Discussion about lying, about avoidance, of being believed can be
drawn from this engaging tale, as Bruno struggles to tell people
about his problem. Each of his family dismisses his tale as yet
another avoidance technique, until dad comes home. Bruno is relieved
that he seems to believe him, but even Dad lets him down. Many
readers will have experienced similar events and will eagerly
recognise Bruno's dilemma.
Very funny on many levels, this book could be used to encourage
discussion about avoidance techniques, bath time and telling stories
or lies. The whale in the bath could create great discussion
about the mathematical improbability of such a thing happening, of
size and shape, of volume, and of the whales in our environment. The
possibilities are endless.
Fran Knight