We're going on a bear hunt by Hannah Pang

Walker Books, 2017
We're going on a bear hunt: My adventure field guide. ISBN
We're going on a bear hunt: My explorer's journal. ISBN
(Age: 8-12) Highly recommended. These two companion titles based on
the We're Going on a Bear Hunt animated film offer children
a wonderful opportunity to find out about their environment while
giving parents and carers a great tool to make excursions more
My Adventure Field Guide is divided into the following
sections: High in the sky, Down in the ground, Further afield, Tiny
plants and tall trees, Incredible Creepy Crawlies, Extraordinary
creatures, Keeping on Track and The Big Wide World. There are many
facts contained here with easy to understand explanations of many
things that children wonder about: Why is the sky blue? Why is the
sea salty? What is an insect? There are also projects that children
can do like building a worm farm and making a bird cake to feed
birds in winter. Some recipes that children can make with adult help
are also featured. The Big Wide World section looks at ways that
children can look after their environment by recycling and
conserving water
My explorer's journal is a companion to the field guide and
gives information on how to keep a journal. Children are given ample
opportunity to record what they have seen on their outings. The book
is sturdy with thick paper with plenty of room for children to write
down their observations and draw what they have seen. Some
activities include pasting in flowers and leaves and making a back
garden den. Blank pages at the end mean that children can come up
with their own ideas, drawings and collections of natural objects.
The activities are not for very young children but the familiarity
of the We're going on a bear hunt book and film will still appeal to
older children. The illustrations are based on the soft water colour
palette by Helen Oxenbury and are very appealing.
These two books would be ideal to take on holiday as they have so
many things that children would find interesting. They provide not
only activities about the natural world but a wealth of information
that will stimulate learning and could also be used in the classroom
as a tool to encourage curiosity about the natural world.
Pat Pledger