Wee on a jellyfish sting by Tracey Turner

Scholastic, 2012. ISBN 978 1 74169 978 4.
Fun facts suitable for 8 to 12 year olds.The title and the cover
illustration will certainly attract the curious. This book deals
with the multitude of myths that circulate as general knowledge and
I have to admit, I believed in many of them myself. Surely you do
sink in quicksand!
Some of the more challenging myths rebutted are, Saint Patrick was
Irish, Vikings wore horned helmets, medieval explorers thought the
world was flat, most of the body's heat is lost through the head and
Lady Godiva rode naked through the streets of Coventry. All
arguments are backed up with facts and extra information on the
The pages are small, about A5 size and are a lively non coloured
mixture of jazzy borders, different fonts, cartoon and shadow
illustrations. The text is easy to read and the information
presented in a light hearted manner.
A similar style of book Why Headless Chickens Run and Other Crazy
Things You Need to Know is also available but by a different
Jane Moore