Weava the wilful witch by Tiffany Mandrake

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Ill. by Martin Chatterton. Little Hare Books, 2011. ISBN 9781921714023
(Ages 7-12) Recommended. From the Little Horrors series comes the story of Weava Charm, a witch who loves causing trouble and is hoping to get her letter of acceptance into Hag's Abademy of Badness. While waiting for her letter she goes to the city to visit her big sister Merry, but to her dismay she finds Merry is now calling herself Mary, and living as a normal human! To make matters worse, Mary expects Weava to pretend to be human too, and takes away her wand and broomstick. When Weava finally gets her letter from the Abademy, it comes with a task - she must perform a 'new and original act of breathtaking badness.'  Weava is determined that her act of badness should be to convince Merry to live as a witch again, so with the help of a mischevious kit-fae, she sets about trying to trick her sister into using magic.
As with all the titles in the Little Horrors series, Weava is sure to be enjoyed by children who like a bit of mischief and humour in their stories. With likeable characters who don't always make the best of choices, students will find a refreshing change from the normal saccharine sweet fairy stories. Martin Chatterton's delightfully expressive illustrations help bring the characters to life.
Donella Reed.