We are together by Britta Teckentrup

Little Tiger, 2018. ISBN 9781848576582
'On our own we're special, And we can chase our dream.
But when we join up, hand in hand, Together we're a team.'
This is the message of this story - the power of one, but the
even greater power of many. Starting with being content with
one's own company flying a kite, it grows to embrace others in our
lives, known or not-yet, so whether it's being caught in a storm or
being passionate about a cause, the support and strength found in
the love and friendship of others alongside us is cause for joy and
If ever we're lonely, we'll just say out loud: Let's all stand
together, one big happy crowd!
The cover is intriguing with cutouts peeking through to just two of
the children on the stunning endpapers showing children of all
nationalities and ethnicities, and as each page is turned the
cutouts increase revealing an ever-widening circle of children
capturing the innate way they have of making friends regardless of
any external differences.
It provides an opportunity to talk about not only receiving a
helping hand but also extending one, valuing and sharing the things
we do well personally while respecting and trying the things others
can do. It emphasises that while we are individuals, humans are also
dependent on others - no man is an island - and that co-operation,
collaboration and company are essential elements of our well-being.
Barbara Braxton