We are all equal by P Crumble and Jonathan Bentley

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Scholastic, 2018. ISBN 9781742999838
(Age: 4+) Recommended. Themes: Equality. Animals. Difference. LGBT. Diversity. Using a range of animals to shout out about difference and being the same, this richly illustrated little book will evoke interest and discussion amongst its readers. Teachers and parents could use it to introduce the theme of equality, reinforcing the structures which underpin our society. Diversity is shown in all of its richness: the different things we eat, the different places we live, the offspring we have, what we live in, our physical limitations, our size and strength, our partners, our beauty, how we get along.
Each double page opens with the refrain 'We are all equal', then elaborates upon that in a particular way, reinforced by the illustration on the page. Each rhyming four line stanza presents a truism for readers to contemplate, reflecting the diversity in our society and asking them to transfer the idea from the animals illustrated to their peopled world. With a promotional line from Magda Szubanski, 'a resounding yes!', written across the top of the cover, adults will be in no doubt about the thrust of the book, and read it with background that will reinforce the inclusiveness of our society.
A page about bullying, impels readers to look out for each other, while another about testing, tells the readers that they are not judged by tests alone, while the last page sums up the message of the book, 'We share hopes and dreams, we're equal and proud'. A wonderful read aloud where children are invited to predict the rhyming word, the theme of the book supports all the inclusive work being done in schools.
Fran Knight