Waves by Donna Rawlins

Ill. by Heather Potter and Mark Jackson. Black Dog Books, 2018. ISBN
(Age: 4+) Highly recommended. Themes: Migration, Australian history,
Refugees, Convicts, Boat people. A thought provoking overview of the
waves of immigration which make up this country, is told by an award
winning storyteller in a way that is informative, attractive and
When doing research prior to reading this book, I looked up My
Place, Donna Rawlins' and Nadia Wheatley's book, a book
republished many times since 1987 holding a revered place within
libraries and on readers' bookshelves around Australia.
Now thirty years later a book with a similar theme, about who we are
as Australians, is presented by Rawlins.
Divided into fifteen stories, each double page tells the tale of one
child coming to Australia to live. Each of their stories is
representative of one of the waves of people making their way to our
shores on often dangerous seas.
The first group, shows an Aboriginal child on a raft 50,000 years
ago. Becoming separated he eventually sees a line of green on the
horizon. Next a child is on a ship searching for a rich cargo to
take back to Europe which thunders upon a reef, and then a child
comes south on a perahu searching with his family for trepang.
The second group takes in those people who came after 1788, when
Australia became a British colony. We see a child huddled with his
family, leaving England for the colony to make his fortune, then
another child, arrested for theft, finds her way onto a prison ship
bound for hell. Each story aches with emotion, as the child leaves
the familiar to set out for Australia. Being blown off course, being
wrecked on the western coast, sent as a convict, finding work or
searching for a prized delicacy, each story is different and reveals
part of our history in an easily digested format.
From the convict lass, we move on to a third group, those who
arrived in the nineteenth century. We read of people on an assisted
passage, then a Chinese child coming out to work on the Victorian
goldfields, an Afghan boy with his camel, ready to explore, a girl
on a ship where measles has broken out, orphan boys sent out to help
build the empire.
A fourth group, those who arrived after World War Two begins with a
group of Jewish orphans, then a family of Italian migrants, and an
English family.
Between the seventies and now, is a fifth group, those who have
arrived in the most desperate of circumstances, fleeing their homes
in Vietnam and the Middle East because of war.
Each page is full of information, giving a background to the lives
of the children and their circumstances, filling in the reasons for
their arrival here.
Each page has soft edged gouache paintings with a predominance of
blue as if underscoring the 'how' these children arrived, and each
child is given a name, a name by which readers can identify each
wave of immigration.
The diversity that is Australia is given a breathe of life for
younger readers in tis excellent book, and I can imagine its being
widely used and read.
Check out Walker's site
for more information about the book and Donna Rawlins, with a link
to teacher
The marvelous endpapers show the form of transport each child used,
and a timeline of when these groups arrived on these shores. This is
a wonderful read for any age.
Fran Knight