Waterfire saga: Deep blue by Jennifer Donnelly

Hodder Children's Books, 2014. ISBN 9781444921182.
(Age: 11+) Recommended. Deep Blue is the first thrilling instalment
in the Waterfire saga which follows the perilous adventure of six
teenage mermaids are they endeavour to save their ocean home from an
unknown terragogg enemy. The story starts by following princess
Seraphina as she prepares her songspell for her dokimi, a coronation
and betrothal ceremony. The ceremony is interrupted however and her
homeland of Miromara is laid waste by enemy mermen from Ondalina.
With the sea-people preparing for war Seraphina's life and that of
her betrothed's cousin, Neela, are in danger. The girls must do all
that is in their power to get away, even if that means stepping into
the mirror realm and facing down dangerous terragoggs. Drawn
together by dreams of river witches and a terrifying monster the
girls must choose to embrace their talents and either fight or take
flight from their enemy, for they are the descendants of the six
greatest mages who ever lived.
A full blown fantasy with rich details and a portrayal of everyday
environmental concerns for marine life and pollution, this novel is
the perfect fantasy for the modern girl. I would highly recommend
for girls ages eleven and up who love fantasy. The novel is filled
with strong female characters, in a matriarchal setting, who are both
beautiful and smart. The reader is thrown into an enjoyably foreign
new world with a multitude of historical and mythological
references. The novel deals both directly and indirectly with issues
of teenage rebellion, body image, trust, the importance of obedience
and of facing one's problems.
Kayla Gaskell (Student)