Waiting for Hugo by Amanda Niland

Ill. by Claire Richards. Windy Hollow Books, 2013. ISBN
(Age: 3-7) Recommended. Hugo loves counting. Even though he is only
four, he is able to count all sorts of things and sorts them out in
his head. This of course, takes some time, and can be rather
frustrating for his family as they wait for him to finish. He is
obsessive about his counting and his older sister has to learn how to put
up with his eccentricity. Then Hugo's skill wins him some prizes and
his sister realises that having a quirky brother can bring rewards.
Amanda Niland is an early childhood educator and brings her
experience to this story about a young child with an Autism Spectrum
Disorder. Her story brings alive a loving family who are able to
accommodate Hugo's counting and appreciate his wonderful
mathematical ability. Children will be engrossed in the way that
Hugo counts, and this is brought alive by Claire Richards'
illustrations which often have a captain cloud where the reader can
see just how Hugo is working out the numbers. It is fascinating for
the reader to count along with Hugo in his shorter calculations and
see if the same number is reached. This is an aspect of the book
that will bring young and old back to ponder just how he works out
The themes of diversity and difference are explored in a
heart-warming way and would give rise to interesting classroom
discussion as well as being a great book to share. It would be also
very useful when looking at how to add, sort and count in a Maths
Pat Pledger