Vulgar the Viking and the Rock Cake Raiders by Odin Redbeard

Nosy Crow, 2012. ISBN 978-0-85763-056-8.
(Age 7-10) Recommended. What is wrong with Vikings these days? Why
don't they raid and conquer anymore? Vulgar is bored with his
non-violent Viking days and decides to liven things up by raiding
the bakery for rock cakes.
Things go slightly awry when King Olaf the Unstoppable's daughter,
Princess Freya becomes involved and joins Vulgar in his (very short)
This is the first book in the series and is great fun with all of
its gross references and funny escapades.
Illustrations by Sarah Horne add to the comic flavour of the book.
The cover is bright and appealing with young Vulgar brandishing his
wooden sword and Viking scowl. Author Odin Redbeard is a
pseudonym&(surprise!) and a mystery as Nosy Crow claim his
identity must be 'kept a secret'.
This would be an interesting read for 7 to 10 year olds as it is not
too demanding in length and has a larger than normal font.
I am a fan of Nosy Crow publications (check out some of their great
book apps) and I recommend buying this novel for primary school
Jane Moore