Visiting you - a journey of love by Rebecka Sharpe Shelberg and Andrea Edmonds

EK Books, 2018. ISBN 9781925335668
There are many ways to visit Hope Meadows. But whether you go by
train, bus, tram or ferry, there is always someone sharing the
journey with you. And whether that is a scruffy, gruff man who is so
tall he can touch the roof without stretching who lives apart from
his daughter; a gruff and grouchy old man with hair like white fairy
floss and a big round nose whose wife has died; a grouchy and cross
girl with hair as black as night and ring through her nose whose
grandfather no longer remembers her; or a woman as big as a bear
with tattoos down her arms whose son may not recover from a
motorcycle accident; each has the same purpose and a similar story
to tell - the loss of someone they loved dearly, whom they miss
terribly and who brought joy and love to their lives. Each of them
love and miss their family member just as much as the little girl
loves and misses her dad, and while his journey has reached its
final destination, this love continues and brings joy.
Undeterred by outward appearances, the little girl asks each the
same question - Who are you visiting? - and in return discovers that
love is what binds us together regardless of how we present
ourselves to the world. Rather than focusing on physical
differences, it is the common humanity of the community and the need
to give and receive love that binds us. This commonality is echoed
through the repetitive style of the text and illustrations which
feature a pathway of love that connects the memories of each person.
This focus on our similarities rather than our differences is a
familiar theme of many stories for children, but Visiting You stands
out as it looks beneath the surface to our emotions and helps us
understand that really, all you need is love. That will carry you
through the most trying situations. It offers an opportunity for the
reader to reflect on those whom they love and the memories they
would share if something were to happen to that person, perhaps even
create a class journey of love so they can be reassured that there
is someone in their life who loves them as much as they love in
Barbara Braxton