VIII by H. M. Castor

Penguin, 2011. ISBN 9780 14 356728 8.
(Ages: 14+) Historical Fiction. Castor writes the story of Henry (Hal),
who became arguably the most famous English monarch, Henry V111. From
his beginnings as the Duke of York (a spare heir) loved and protected
by his mother and shunned by his father, the handsome young prince
believed he was destined for greatness.
Tall, broad-shouldered and accomplished at all aspects of courtly life:
religion, poetry, music, languages, history, hunting, sport and
swordsmanship, Henry was eager to be noticed and believed he had an
important role to play. His father, Henry VII, doted on his older
brother Arthur, and could not persuade Henry that his role was to be
un-noticed, that he should be no threat to the heir to the throne.
Portents, omens and visions proved to Henry that he was to be the
greatest king England had seen. He and his sons would provide England
and France with a dynasty that would last through history. His belief
that God had shown him the visions and given him the omens and would
annoint him as King ruled the rest of his life.
He believed that the inability of his wives to provide him and England
with a son was God's condemnation of his wives not himself. The two
biggest ambitions of his life; to reclaim France as his rightful
inheritance and to establish a stable dynasty were denied him (even
though he had a son, Edward, he wasn't Henry's idea of a strong healthy
Castor depicts Henry towards the end of his life as losing touch with
reality as his visions became more regular, more disturbing and his
reaction to them more public. This view of Henry VIII is different and
interesting but glosses over many of his actions.
The book is very readable and moves at a pace which keeps the reader
involved. It is an insight to aspects of the Tudor Court but tends to
skip over the more bloodthirsty moments, and there were plenty of
Mark Knight