Vietnam by Deborah Challinor

My Australian story series. Scholastic, 2015. ISBN
Highly recommended. This brilliantly crafted story is a realistic
depiction of life in Australia in the late 1960s using authentic
characters and historical events. Davey Walker is twelve years old
and carefree, enjoying surfing every day on Newcastle beaches with
his mates Pete and Johnno when his older brother Tom is selected for
National Service. Davey records his and Tom's experiences over the
next year in a series of diary entries.
It was delightful to read a captivating story which is historically
accurate and which avoids judgement and slavish presentation of
views more palatable to a modern perspective. There is however
nothing inappropriate or unsuitable to an early teen readership in
this book. The harsh truths of the war - death, physical and
psychological injury, fear, even the My Lai massacre are all covered
in a manner which presents the facts without glamour or unnecessary
detail. Challinor deserves credit for crafting a robust, worthy
story which includes a bewildering amount of historical information
and accurate micro details which is suitable for the readership in
terms of content and level of understanding.
I particularly liked that a range of authentic figures interplay to
put forward points of view on the validity of conscription, the
involvement of Australia in the war, the protest movement and
international relations in exactly the way that people did at the
time. I was thrilled to read the explanation of the origins of the
conflict and Australia's role through the words of Davey, his school
mates and a new teacher as they discussed the topic in a social
studies class. A complex matter was summarised clearly for modern
readers and the author is to be commended for not endorsing one
point of view (with child characters parroting their parents'
ideology) over another.
The story is so good because whilst the war is central to the
narrative and important events like the Moon landing are included,
it principally emphasises family relationships and friendship.
Mateship is associated too frequently with the battlefield in
Australian folklore and this novel emphasises the value of caring
friendships in all walks of life in a profoundly moving way.
Rob Welsh