Vicious little darlings by Katherine Easer

Bloomsbury 2011. ISBN: 978-1-59990-628-7.
Vicious Little Darlings is a gripping novel which you will
either hate or love. The one thing that doesn't change is the
knowledge you will want to read it through time after time. Emotive
and diabolical, Katherine Easer's first novel is nail biting and
packed with drama and a touch of the paranormal.
From a broken home Sarah Weaver has two choices, have her Nana pay
for her tuition at Weatherly Women's Collage or make her own way at
UCLA. Poorer than poor Sarah chooses the former - not that her
Nana's word means much to her, but a bit of cash now and then is
much better then working between classes. Sarah keeps this in mind
as she enters her dorm, nothing can prepare her for what happens
You name it this story's got it; sex, romance and horror, mystery,
humour and it's jam packed with life lessons and warnings. This is a
book every girl should read. Lies, lust and love are featured themes
and there are wickedly crafted characters. Join in the mind games
with Agnes, Maddy and Sarah as they show you what it's like to feel
like you're sitting in a pressure cooker.
Kayla Gaskell (Student)