Vampyre Labyrinth : RedEye by G.P. Taylor

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Faber and Faber, 2010. ISBN 9780571226948.
(Age: 12+) Jago Harker lives in London during the Second World War. The blitz has forced many children from London to evacuate to smaller country towns, and Jago is to be evacuated to a town called Whitby, but he believes he is too old to be evacuated and does not want to leave his mother alone. Jago eventually relents and leaves for Whitby, but before he even made it to the train there was a bombing raid and his mother was killed. Jago only survived because a mysterious man saved his life, but Whitby is not safer at all. Jago lives in a manor with many other kids and when he defends one of the people who is bullied he makes an enemy of the bullies. At night Jago has very realistic dreams.
This book is very good. It was not over the top. It was gripping and very well written, although I found it a bit difficult to get into at first. I highly recommend this book to everyone who likes supernatural books.
Gareth Peer (Student)