Untold by Sarah Rees Brennan

The Lynburn Legacy Book 2. Simon & Schuster Childrens Books,
2013. ISBN 9780857078094.
(Age: 14+) Paranormal, magic, mystery, romance, identity.
This is the sequel to Unspoken in the new series from Sarah
Rees Brennan, who previously gave us the most amazing Demon Lexicon
trilogy. To briefly recap, Unspoken is a mystery story in
which the protagonist Kami Glass, part journalist, part
miss-bossy-boots, sets out to discover who is trying to take over
her beautifully named village, Sorry-in-the-Vale. We discover early
that she speaks constantly to a voice in her head, a boy named
Jared, who has spoken back for as long as she can remember. Of
course it shouldn't surprise us that the alarming, almost mystical
events at the village coincide with the arrival of two gorgeous
cousins, one of whom turns out to be the elusive Jared. But in
person, he isn't quite the boy Kami thought. The story moves quickly
into a paranormal mode and the ending is so shocking and
heart-breaking, that I almost couldn't force myself to read the next
In both narratives, Rees Brennan uses snark like some authors use
cliches - often and without fear. But unlike the cliche-card
carriers, she is also witty and clever. Kami is a delight. She is
fearless and a bit reckless, but also loyal and true. Her best
friend Angela dislikes people intensely, and her brother Rusty, a
laconic martial arts black belt, are just two of the secondary
characters developed fully and sensitively. The cousins Ash and
Jared are suitably enigmatic, and we don't blame Kami for being
suspicious and cautious.
In Untold, Kami and her little band of scoobies are still
battling the evil villain who tries to 'persuade' the village to
return to the 'old ways'. This basically amounts to the villagers
being offered luck and good fortune in return for a blood sacrifice,
which allows the magicians to harness their power. When I put it
like this, it all sounds a little far-fetched, but honestly what
magic story doesn't? For about half the novel Kami and Jared are
kept apart, but eventually they find their way back to each other
(be patient dear reader). It won't surprise you to hear that all the
way they are dealing with threats, conflict, and murder attempts.
The overwhelming concern is that their side just isn't powerful to
take on the might of the other. This situation is not really
conducive to tender romantic moments, but there is one, and it is
Once again, we are left with a horrible cliff-hanger, but I believe
with all of my optimistic little heart that Rees Brennan will find a
way to make it all end happy-ever-after. This is not my favourite
series ever, but I do like that it is original, extremely witty, and
that it offers a range of positive representations of both ethnic
groups and sexual orientations. These are much needed in YA fiction.
Trisha Buckley