Unspeakable by Abbie Rushton

Atom, 2015. ISBN: 9780349002064.
(Ages 15+) Highly recommended. 'Megan doesn't speak. She hasn't
spoken in months. Pushing away the people she cares about is just a
small price to pay. Because there are things locked inside Megan's
head - things that are screaming to be heard - that she cannot, must
not, let out. Then Jasmine starts at school: bubbly, beautiful,
talkative Jasmine. And for reasons Megan can't quite understand,
life starts to look a bit brighter. Megan would love to speak again,
and it seems like Jasmine might be the answer. But if she finds her
voice, will she lose everything else? Some secrets are too dangerous
to be told.' (Publisher)
I don't think I can ever stop recommending this novel. I thought I
knew what I was getting into when I started reading Unspeakable,
but within a few chapters I was captivated and riveted. I could not
stop reading. Abbie Rushton did an amazing job telling Megan's
story. Looking through Megan's eyes and reading her thoughts were
outstanding and absolutely heartbreaking. The growth of Megan within
the story was astonishing. I was left a horrible emotional wreck
after reading it but it just made me love this novel even more so.
Cecilia Richards