Unicorn princesses: Sunbeam's shine by Emily Bliss

Bloomsbury Children's books, 2017. ISBN 9781681193267
(Age: 5-10) Recommended. Cressida Jenkins' favourite thing is
unicorns. Cressida's dreams come true when she finds a real live
unicorn. Can she do as the unicorn princesses ask?
The characters in the story are the unicorn princesses, Cressida and
wizard-lizard. The characters in this book are interesting and some
of them are funny.
I think the plot makes sense and it is very interesting. The big
idea of this book is finding a human girl who believes in unicorns
to find the missing gem.
The settings of this book are in the woods behind Cressida house and
rainbow realm. The settings are creative and are described well in
the story as well as the pictures.
The style of the story in imaginary, the text is big and easy to
read. I like the style of this book.
I recommend this book for 5 to 10 year olds. If you like the series
of Rainbow magic by Daisy Meadows you will enjoy these
Grace, Year 6