Uncle Gobb and the Green Heads by Michael Rosen

Bloomsbury, 2018. ISBN 9781408851340
(Age: 7-9)
Uncle Gobb is that really annoying relative who's overstayed his
welcome. Poor Malc and his mother have to endure his constant
roaring, his interfering ways and his opinions about everything from
learning history, to poetry and education. Uncle Gobb and the Green
Heads is the second over-the-top story that sees Malcolm, his
peculiar Uncle Gobb, their family and friends off to America. Malc's
dad lives there and he really wants to reconnect. Along the way
Uncle Gobb's genie 'Doctor Roop the Doop' and Malcolm's genie who
streams out of his nose provide comedic moments and varying levels
of assistance. Both protagonists have ulterior motives for
At school, Malc suffers episodes of Blurting Out and Big Trouble;
with his best friend Crackersnacker they endure History and provide
creative answers for the Timeline Book. Brenda the Mender offers the
family her millions of air miles so they can travel overseas. More
bamboozling and confuzling action follows, as Malcolm and his best
friend, his mother, Uncle Gobb and the Weasels, Aunty Brenda the
Mender leave to fly to America. While Malcolm is planning to get rid
of Uncle Gobb, his relative also has an epic plan to get rid of his
This is definitely a lighthearted story, where questioning an
adult's actions and motives aren't priorities. What a convoluted
plot, with stream of consciousness asides, absolute silliness,
jokes, fun chapter headings, and fact-filled text boxes interspersed
with Layton's bold cartoons. This book is suitable for the younger
reader who enjoys this humourous style of writing and silly
characters doing crazy things.
Rhyllis Bignell