Uncle Eddie and the croc by Lucy Farmer

Black dog, 2009. ISBN 9781742030517
(Ages 6-8) A book for newly independent readers, this sequel to Uncle
Eddie and the hippos, follows the adventures of Uncle Eddie who looks
after a national park on the shores of Lake Wakka Wakka. One day he
finds a large crocodile sunning itself in front of his house in the
Zambian bush and after unsuccessfully trying to move it on before it
frightens the tourists, he goes to the local chief for advice. The
chief comes up with a cunning plan to scare the crocodile away, but it
has disastrous consequences.
This is an appealing book that will attract young readers with its
scary picture of a crocodile on the front cover. Croc facts, found at
the back of the books will intrigue the reader and a glossary
describing an African chief and African animals will be welcome. The
vivid colours of the African bush and the compelling faces of Uncle
Eddie, the chief and the scouts illustrated by Kevin Burgemeestre will
add interest to the story.
Pat Pledger